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                                    MOSTMAGAZINEAlongside her husband Frank and their daughter Joy, Paula travels the world, learning from the best in the industry and sharing her knowledge through workshops and lectures. This family-centered approach underscores her philosophy: fitness is not just about aesthetics%u2014it%u2019s about creating a life filled with energy, strength, and self-assurance.Paula dreams of seeing every client shine%u2014radiant, strong, and with a mindset to match. %u201cI want you to walk into a room, and have people who haven%u2019t seen you in a while marvel at how incredible you look,%u201d she says with a smile.With Paula den Blanken and Team Sunshines, it%u2019s not just about transformation. It%u2019s about stepping into the best version of yourself and letting the world see you shine@PAULA_DEN_BLANKENWWW.TEAMDENBLANKEN.COMMOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 67 37
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