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                                    44 MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 73MOSTMAGAZINEMOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 75 Q: IN AN ERA WHERE SOCIAL MEDIA AND DIGITAL CONTENT ARE SO PREVALENT, HOW DO YOU SEE THE ROLE OF PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY EVOLVING?A: I think it%u2019s becoming harder for professionals to really stand out. Now everyone uses AI and calls themselves a professional photographer. Like, no, you didn%u2019t capture the Bat-Symbol on the moon floating over Jesus in Brazil. Stop it already! Q: WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ASPIRING PHOTOGRAPHERS LOOKING TO DEVELOP THEIR OWN DISTINCTIVE STYLE?A: You have to be obsessed with what you do and not care what others think. Your style will develop the more you practice and work on your craft. You need to be unapologetically driven. Don%u2019t fall into the trap of doing what everyone else is doing. They%u2019ll tell you, %u201cMake it look more like this%u201d or %u201cMore like that.%u201d That%u2019s fine if you want to do that, but you%u2019ll stand out if you give people something different. Oh, and it%u2019s got to be good! Q: YOU%u2019VE HAD YOUR WORK FEATURED IN PROMINENT MEDIA OUTLETS. WHAT DOES THAT KIND OF RECOGNITION MEAN TO YOU AS AN ARTIST?A: Recognition feels good, especially for an artist. That%u2019s all we want%u2014to be respected and recognized. We%u2019ll take that over money. Q: WHAT%u2019S NEXT FOR PJ DAVIS? ARE THERE ANY UPCOMING PROJECTS OR DREAM COLLABORATIONS ON THE HORIZON?A: Some things I can%u2019t talk about yet, but I do have some great shoots coming up with some phenomenal models. I can%u2019t wait to show off these images!
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