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                                    42 MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 73MOSTMAGAZINEMOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 75Exclusive Interview Q: LIGHTING AND COLOR PLAY A SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY. CAN YOU SHARE SOME OF YOUR TECHNIQUES FOR CREATING SUCH DRAMATIC COMPOSITIONS?A: At first, I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew exactly how I wanted my work to look and feel. Once I got that down, I really started studying lighting. Lighting is everything, and I prefer a moody, dramatic look. I love close-ups but love wide angles even more. One technique I use is shooting a subject from the ground up to give them that larger-than-life feel. I want the viewer to feel what I feel when I shoot. It%u2019s not just %u201ctaking a picture%u201d for me%u2014I%u2019m actually trying to make the viewer feel a certain way when they look at my work. Q: WHAT%u2019S THE MOST CHALLENGING SHOOT YOU%u2019VE EVER DONE, AND HOW DID YOU OVERCOME ANY OBSTACLES?A: Photographing children can be really challenging. I know going into a shoot with kids that, for the most part, they won%u2019t stay still. So I like to get the more formal shots done first, and then I let them run and play around while I capture them in a more natural, playful state. Those are always the ones parents love the most. Q: AS A PHOTOGRAPHER, HOW DO YOU STAY CREATIVE AND CONTINUE TO PUSH THE BOUNDARIES OF YOUR WORK?A: I%u2019m obsessed with photography%u2014not so much from a technical standpoint, but from an artistic one. I pick up a camera every day and use it. Maybe it%u2019s my professional camera, or maybe it%u2019s just my phone, but I shoot something daily. I also comb through the internet, YouTube, and magazines for inspiration. It doesn%u2019t have to be the greatest photos ever%u2014I just want to look at someone%u2019s unique style. Q: IF YOU COULD PHOTOGRAPH ANY PERSON%u2014PAST OR PRESENT%u2014WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHY?A: The first person who came to mind is Zendaya. Her looks on camera are always incredible. And she%u2019s cool with Spider-Man, sooo%u2026 
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