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                                    30 MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 73MOSTMAGAZINEMOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 75Q: MANY PHOTOGRAPHERS HAVE A SIGNATURE SHOT OR THEME. DO YOU HAVE ONE?A: Rather than sticking to a fixed signature shot or theme, I aim to capture expressions that best suit the moment. One thing I consistently strive for, based on past experience, is an image that feels natural yet carries a subtle sense of unease. I believe this creates a visual consistency in my work. Exclusive InterviewQ: IS THERE A PARTICULAR SHOOT THAT STANDS OUT AS A TURNING POINT IN YOUR CAREER?A: Yes, my 2015 advertising shoot for the jewelry brand fruitsjolie.At the time, jewelry advertising in Japan was dominated by clean, fresh, and traditionally %u201cpretty%u201d imagery. However, I was given the freedom to take a more flexible and creative approach.Working with art director Kazuya Iwanaga, I explored expressions beyond conventional boundaries, producing bold, eye-catching visuals. This experience had a profound impact on my artistic direction, inspiring me to continue pushing creative limits while staying true to the %u201cfree and bold%u201d mindset I developed during that shoot.
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