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MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 73 27MOSTMAGAZINEMOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 75Exclusive InterviewQ: YOUR WORK IS KNOWN FOR ITS BOLD YET THOUGHTFUL IMAGERY. HOW DO YOU STRIKE THAT BALANCE?A: I like powerful photographs that convey everything in a single shot. However, as I gained experience, I learned the importance of %u201cmargins.%u201d Rather than pushing everything to the forefront, I sometimes suppress elements, allowing the viewer%u2019s imagination to fill in the gaps, adding depth to the image. Finding this balance has become my signature style.For example, if I have a specific image in mind, I may intentionally incorporate elements of %u201croughness%u201d or %u201cblurriness%u201d to create rhythm within the composition. Additionally, I challenge my own artistic instincts by making unexpected choices%u2014what I call %u201cbetraying myself in a good way.%u201d This helps me break away from personal stereotypes and discover new possibilities for expression. Q: YOU%u2019VE WORKED IN FASHION, ADVERTISING, AND MUSIC. HOW DOES EACH INDUSTRY INFLUENCE YOUR CREATIVE APPROACH?A: I consciously blend elements from each category. Even when a client has already set the creative direction, I try to incorporate ideas that emerge on-site. I value the synergy that happens when working collaboratively, as it often leads to more powerful and unexpected expressions that I couldn%u2019t create on my own. Q: WHAT WAS THE MOST VALUABLE LESSON YOU LEARNED FROM HIROHISA NAKANO?A: I learned many things, especially about being prepared for the unexpected, both physically and mentally. However, the most important lesson was: %u201cNever lie or deceive, even under the most extreme circumstances.%u201dI believe that being honest about my work and artistic vision%u2014without embellishing or compromising integrity%u2014helps me stay true to my creative beliefs. This authenticity translates into compelling work that resonates with viewers. Q: JAPANESE AESTHETICS PLAY A STRONG ROLE IN YOUR WORK. HOW DO YOU INCORPORATE TRADITIONAL ELEMENTS INTO MODERN VISUALS?A: Although I don%u2019t consciously try to incorporate traditional Japanese aesthetics, I always strive to capture my subjects as naturally as possible. This often leads me to carefully select locations that create a sense of subtle unease, negative space, or fluctuation in the visuals. By pursuing a beauty that isn%u2019t overly polished or arranged, I encourage the viewer%u2019s imagination. Perhaps this naturally aligns with Japan%u2019s unique sense of %u201cwabi-sabi%u201d and appreciation for imperfection. Q: WHAT IS YOUR CREATIVE PROCESS WHEN WORKING ON A NEW PROJECT?A: Recently, I have been focusing on submissions again, particularly for fashion editorial projects.I begin by envisioning the image I want to capture. Based on this vision, I collaborate with other creatives to develop a concrete concept and storyline. I then spend a significant amount of time researching locations, subjects, and models to prepare for the shoot.While I gather inspiration from magazines and social media, I also consciously seek out new experiences in my daily life%u2014whether it%u2019s walking down unfamiliar streets or striking up conversations with strangers. These chance encounters and unexpected landscapes often shape the overall narrative and add depth and uniqueness to my work.