Page 54 - Demo
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                                     54 || MOST FITNESS || APRIL 2016attention to detail line full of beautiful prints. The customer that is looking for unique and high quality gravitates towards that. I also offer lines for more budget-conscious individuals so that they can get into their first few fitness outfits without spending a lot of money. That way they can test drive it to see if they like the fabric and the brand, and then they usually tend to gravitate into the other lines. They see the difference between Brazilian fitness wear and others out there. My customers are that diverse, and it%u2019s been interesting having been with the company for 14 years, my customers have grown with me. Now I%u2019m picking up their daughters which is kind of fun, and I have a lot of mother daughters that buy together as well. I%u2019ve been lucky to have a very loyal customer base that has been very happy. One of the reasons my company has been able to last so long is my approach to online shopping. I love going shopping to a boutique, and when I%u2019m there I want someone to help me get the right selection for what I%u2019m looking for. I thought, how am I going to be able to do that online? So I really developed a support team of staff that helps customers; whether by email or by phone, we are there to assist them. We look very closely at every order that comes in, and we really have a profile on so many of our customers which helps make their shopping experience much better. If we see that someone is not ordering something that is not consistent, or it%u2019s a present for someone, we are able to identify that. MFM: Where do you see Body by Brazil going? Future plans for the brand?JB: I am still planning to continue growing the company. I plan to bring on two more brands this year. I have identified them and started to establish the relationships. I see the industry growing as opposed to staying still. I plan on really being a leader in the industry, which I%u2019ve been since the beginning, and I want to continue doing that because I%u2019ve been able to set a tone and a direction of Brazilian fitness wear that has really made a difference. It essentially has gone from very obscure to mainstream, and I want to continue that growth of it. I realized a few years into the business that I wanted to present the outfits 
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