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70 MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 73MOSTMAGAZINE YOUR STUDIO SERVES AS A RENTAL SPACE FOR MUSIC VIDEOS, PHOTOSHOOTS, AND FILM PRODUCTIONS. WHAT MAKES WILDEVISION STUDIO STAND OUT AS A CREATIVE HUB FOR COLLABORATORS?What excites both me and my collaborators is that we have over a dozen %u201csets%u201d that blend seamlessly and are constantly evolving. And the magic is%u2014they don%u2019t look like %u201csets.%u201d They%u2019re built authentically and feel like real locations.With spaces like The VIP Suite, Paris, The Throne of Rome, ClubWilde, and KingsGate, the experience is as immersive for my clients as it is for me. It makes my work deeply satisfying, and the way others use the space makes it uniquely their own. WITH YOUR PHILOSOPHY OF %u201cWHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET,%u201d HOW DO YOU APPROACH COLLABORATIONS, AND WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN CREATIVE PARTNERS?A musician friend of mine once said, %u201cIt%u2019s not about the destination; it%u2019s about who%u2019s on board.%u201d That resonates with me. I look for people I genuinely enjoy working with because if we have that chemistry, I know great things will happen. FASHION AND FINE ART ARE TWO DISTINCT GENRES. HOW DO YOU BALANCE THESE DISCIPLINES, AND WHAT EXCITES YOU MOST ABOUT EXPLORING THEIR INTERSECTIONS?I agree%u2014fashion and fine art are vastly different disciplines. But given my background and approach, they complement each other well. I look for ways to merge and enhance both, allowing them to support one another.YOUR WORK PUSHES BOUNDARIES AND REDEFINES STORYTELLING THROUGH IMAGERY. HOW DO YOU KEEP INNOVATING AND CHALLENGING YOURSELF CREATIVELY?Much of what I do has a cinematic feel, but it%u2019s not filmmaking. My images function like standalone scenes%u2014they exist in their own reality, with their own raison d%u2019%u00eatre. And yet, because everything happens within the shared world of Wilde Manor, the pieces connect like an exhibition. Each image tells a story, but together, they form a larger, more intricate narrative. AS SOMEONE WHO HAS BUILT A THRIVING CAREER OVER THE PAST TEN YEARS, WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO EMERGING PHOTOGRAPHERS LOOKING TO CARVE THEIR OWN NICHE?Carving your own niche can feel daunting. Sometimes, the best way to start is by identifying someone whose work truly inspires you.For me, it was Helmut Newton. I remember being in college and seeing his photograph of a young Charlotte Rampling%u2014sitting nude on a dining table in a Paris hotel, a whiskey glass in one hand, looking over her shoulder with those hypnotic blue eyes. In that instant, I kne This is what I want to do with the rest of my life. And I%u2019ve never looked back.LOOKING AHEAD, WHAT%u2019S NEXT FOR JULIAN WILDE? ARE THERE ANY UPCOMING PROJECTS OR EXPANSIONS FOR WILDEVISION STUDIO THAT YOU%u2019RE EXCITED TO SHARE?The studio is constantly evolving%u2014sometimes month to month, sometimes day to day! Nothing excites me more than designing a new set or reimagining an old one. There%u2019s something invigorating about stripping a wall down to its bones and creating something entirely new from scratch.I%u2019m reminded of late nights with Raven, when she%u2019ll sense me deep in thought and ask, %u201cOkay%u2026 what are you thinking?%u201d That%u2019s when I know%u2014tomorrow is going to be a great day!