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                                    MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 71 55MOSTMAGAZINEMOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 71 Q: IF YOU COULD COLLABORATE WITH ANY FASHION DESIGNER OR BRAND, WHO WOULD IT BE AND WHY?A: That%u2019s a tough one! There are so many designers and brands I admire. I%u2019ve always been drawn to creators who celebrate and elevate feminine strength and use high-quality materials%u2014like Ronny Kobo, Ala%u00efa, and emerging brands like Coastal Femme. There%u2019s something so powerful about clothing that makes you feel confident, daring, and simply yourself. That same energy inspires me when designing jewelry%u2014pieces that feel strong, unique, and a little unexpected. Q: WHAT%u2019S NEXT FOR MARK%u00c9TA LIM? ANY EXCITING PROJECTS OR EXPANSIONS ON THE HORIZON FOR MAYA DAVID?A: Maya David is just getting started, and there%u2019s so much we%u2019re excited about. We%u2019re expanding our collections with even more unique gemstone and pearl designs, and this year, we%u2019re proud to partner with One Tree Planted to support reforestation%u2014a cause close to our hearts. Giving back to nature while creating meaningful jewelry is something I truly cherish.Looking ahead, we%u2019d love to collaborate with local boutiques and bring our designs into brick-andmortar stores. On a personal level, I%u2019m balancing modeling, growing Maya David, being a supportive wife, and a devoted dog mom. I%u2019m also honing my jewelry-making skills to create even more intricate designs. Most importantly, I%u2019m learning to be present%u2014not just chasing the %u201cnext big thing%u201d but fully enjoying the journey. There%u2019s never a dull moment, and that%u2019s exactly how I like it!
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