Page 149 - Demo
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                           || FASHIO N MAG A ZINE || 149wecphotos.comhandsupforhaiti.orgThe core team involved in the day-to-day operations is constantly thinking of ongoing projects and trips. They feel a duty to serve and help the people of Haiti and their medical colleagues working on the ground. Continuing their involvement in the organization are four medical personnel from the original trip, and three more who joined for the second trip in November. Four of these individuals have become board members for Hands Up for Haiti. They face the challenge of maintaining the day-to-day operations associated with running a business while working to lay out goals for the future. Hands Up for Haiti is always recruiting new participants, and looking for partners to share in the work and become sponsors. HUFH keeps constant contact with any team in Haiti and assesses the programs%u2019 and clinics%u2019 operations while volunteers are back at home.
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