Page 89 - Demo
P. 89 || FITNESS MAG A ZINE || 89MFM: How do you stay in shape yourself? Favorite exercises?TG: I let myself go pretty badly when I was mostly an editor, sitting in a chair 8-16 hours a day. My diet was terrible; I never darkened a gym%u2019s doorstep. That changed when I started working around the fitness professionals. I was working on a %u201cBiggest Loser%u201d Run-Walk program when Dan Evans, a Biggest Loser contestant, got me back into running. Then I worked for Alpha Warrior with Brent Steffensen who taught me some killer body weight workouts. I met Shelby Jones as he modeled on a shoot, and he introduced me to CrossFit. Shelby%u2019s local gym, Jones N 4 CrossFit, has opened a whole new world to me. Weightlifting, gymnastics, and metcon (aerobic, metabolic conditioning) were never boring workouts. I try to hit the gym six times a week around my shooting schedule. I lost 30 pounds of fat and replaced the difference with muscle, and I went from a 46%u201d waist to a 31%u201d. Now I am starting to compete in Highland games and Olympic lift completions. My favorite exercises include: Kipping Muscle-Ups, Deadlift, Snatches, overhead squats, and handstand pushups-all things I could not do two years ago!MFM: Can you give MOST Fitness Magazine readers your best tip(s) for continuing to grow creatively?TG: Remain curious and read widely. Don%u2019t doubt your experience, but never stop learning from people. They might show you a nuance that will change your understanding. Look for ways to remain a student while you build your mastery. Teach or mentor. I often learn as much teaching and vocalizing my process as I do from doing my process.MFM: What are your plans for the future?TG: I plan to keep shooting fitness and growing the scope of my work. I am always experimenting. Also, I hope to do more motion projects. After %u201cWhat Happened to Tyrell Biggs%u201d is finished, I hope to work on another film. I have a bunch of irons in the fire.MFM: How can MOST readers find you on social media?TG: They can find me on Holguin Dave Anderson Star Loy