Page 97 - Demo
P. 97 || FITNESS MAG A ZINE || 97supplementation, and I have some MuscleEgg and P28 Foods products to round out the rest of my meals from ICON.FMM: If there were absolutely no gyms on the planet, what five exercises would you do in order to build or maintain your physique?BF: That would be a very sad place!I would do Push-ups, Dips, Wide/Close/Reverse Grip Pull-ups, Jump Squats, and HIIT Sprints.FMM: What was the biggest challenge and accomplishment in your career, and what is the biggest challenge you have helped someone else overcome?BF: My lowest moment would be after a competition I almost died. I spent 5 days in the ICU and am lucky to be here today. I was not feeling the best at the show and after it was over I became extremely cramped up. I went back to my hotel room and just lay there the rest of the night, with an occasional cupcake, or 5, and room service to keep all my post competition cravings at bay. I felt even worse the next day and by the time I got on my flight, my body wasn%u2019t moving how it should and I was starting to feel numb all over. When I arrived home I needed help out of the car, but just told myself it was from the show and flying and I would be okay. I had dinner and decided to sprawl out on the floor to try and stretch myself out. I did that for a few minutes and when I tried to get up, I could not. That is when I knew it was time to go to the hospital. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with me, so they started an IV and kept running tests. They found my potassium was at a 2.0 which normal >>>