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                           || FASHIO N MAG A ZINE || 91Amrit explains:%u201cWe all have to work with what God gives us. Mentally, physically, emotionally we are each blessed with strengths and weaknesses and I believe that health and fitness are key variables in harmonizing the body, mind, and soul. Health and fitness distill the impurities the world throws at us, much like the process that turns unhealthy tap water into distilled bottled water. It is this process that makes us so much stronger and better capable of deflecting life%u2019s curveballs.%u201d%u201cThrough healthy eating, pushing myself through physical limits, and crushing my mental plateaus I discovered a new sense of confidence, the strength and self-assurance that I was capable of anything. Health and Fitness gives us the advantage of reinventing ourselves as many times as we want. This is inherent in my %u2018never the same look twice%u2019 portfolio. It is my mission to convince every woman in the world that she can do the same with her own body in her own way.%u201dGLAMFIT is a vehicle. Amrit says, %u201cIf you%u2019re not happy with your station in life, re-create yourself %u2026 endlessly. It will keep you young, vibrant, and empowered.%u201d This potential to be the best she can be was, and still is her GLAMFIT and she is driven by this vision of feminine fitness, making it her life%u2019s work to collaborate and network with others who hold that same interest in health, nutrition, wellbeing. er unique skill set is matched by her signature beauty making her a superstar celebrity within her special niche in the fitness world and thus, a voice of authority and expertise. She has worked with an array of famous photographers and her images have graced international magazines such as FHM (USA/India), American Curves, IronMan, Mega Modelz International, Inside Fitness, Femme Fatale, Anokhi, Physique Dubai, Femina and many more. A consummate professional, Amrit engages with photographers in much the same way that an actor would work with a director. The result is a global presence of her unique combination of glamour and fitness.Connecting to her roots, both as an Indian and Prairie Princess, Amrit has found home in the old and the new, the past and the future, both worlds in constant step. Displaying the charm of the East with the ambitions of the West, she has been the perfect bridge between two continents for more than a decade. A true cosmopolitan gypsy, Amrit has lived in far flung centers around the world: Photographer: Alexia LombardWardrobe: Russel FrankMUA: Christina Harris
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