Page 119 - Demo
P. 119 || FASHIO N MAG A ZINE || 119much fun!%u201d It was her other show, Revolution where Daniella says she also loved getting out of her comfort zone and now misses it. %u201cRevolution spoiled me because every day was a different adventure!%u201d Maybe one day she will get to try something really new and portray her dream role, %u201cI have always loved the character of May in Fool For Love, the Sam Shepard play.%u201d However, Daniella probably does not have to worry about ever lacking in interesting things to do or opportunities for growth and challenges, as the remarkable, multi-talented star has a slew of other passions and hobbies. She holds a green belt in karate, %u201cI have thankfully never had to use my karate skills in a real life situation. I do still train but not as regularly. I have now become addicted to Pilates.%u201d Karate probably helps in the badass department though and in getting those military, tough chic type roles. She may be able to portray those characters but inside she is a softie and has a weak spot and great affection for all animals, hence her devotion to PETA. Again, it was her grandfather who influenced her as he was a huge animal lover and instilled that love and care for animals in her and her family. %u201cI grew up with cats, dogs, ferrets, fish, mice, turtles, and ducks. You name it! We at some point probably had it. Growing up no matter who I was with in my family, if there was a stray on the road, you%u2019d stop pick it up and find it a home. I could never imagine my life without my animals.%u201d In addition to karate, Pilates, and animals, Daniella loves to write in her spare time and keeps a regular journal, disclosing that it may be more than just a hobby. %u201cMy sister and I have been working on a screenplay about our Puerto Rican Family that spans a few >>>