Page 19 - Demo
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MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 73 19MOSTMAGAZINEMOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 75Q: YOU%u2019VE MODELED FOR GLOBAL PUBLICATIONS IN PARIS AND LONDON, AS WELL AS MAJOR U.S. MAGAZINES. HOW DOES INTERNATIONAL MODELING DIFFER FROM WORKING IN THE U.S.?A: Interestingly, I haven%u2019t had to travel outside the U.S. to be published internationally%u2014so far, it%u2019s been about my connections and having my images featured abroad.That said, I%u2019d love the opportunity to fly internationally for work. It just goes to show that art and fashion are universal languages! Q: YOU%u2019VE BEEN PASSIONATE ABOUT THE ARTS SINCE CHILDHOOD. DID YOU EVER IMAGINE THAT MODELING WOULD BECOME SUCH A CENTRAL PART OF YOUR LIFE?A: Growing up, strangers would always tell me that I should model. Modeling was something that found me rather than something I actively pursued%u2014but once it came into my life, I quickly realized it was a perfect fit.I never imagined it would become such a central part of my journey, but the more I immersed myself in it, the more I fell in love with it.Those carefree, playful moments with my cousins laid the foundation for the work I do today.Photo: Irving MartinezPhoto: Marjiana Antonijevic