Page 62 - Demo
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62 MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 71MOSTMAGAZINEMOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 71 YOU%u2019RE AN AVID SAILOR. HOW HAS SAILING SHAPED YOUR LIFE, AND WHAT LESSONS HAVE YOU LEARNED ON THE WATER THAT APPLY TO YOUR MODELING CAREER?I%u2019ve been sailing since I was four. I started sailing my own boat, a Sabot, when I was seven, and now I sail double-handed boats like an FJ. Sailing teaches you patience, which is something you definitely need in the modeling world. It also teaches perseverance%u2014keeping at it, adjusting your course, and pushing forward until you reach your goal. YOU%u2019VE MENTIONED THAT YOU%u2019RE INSPIRED BY DIFFER- ENT CULTURES. HOW DO THESE INFLUENCES SHOW UP IN YOUR PERSONAL STYLE AND MODELING WORK?I love Milan%u2019s fashion scene, and I incorporate elements of what I see during my travels into my personal style. But at 16, I also love a good hoodie and sweatpants, along with high-fashion pieces. WHAT%u2019S YOUR GO-TO LOOK WHEN YOU WANT TO FEEL YOUR MOST CONFIDENT?An all-black suit with a black shirt and a long black coat%u2014a little Tommy Shelby mixed with John Wick! AS A YOUNG MODEL, YOU%u2019VE ALREADY WORKED ON A VARIETY OF PROJECTS. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVORITE EXPERIENCE SO FAR, AND WHY?I%u2019ve really enjoyed working with MOST Magazine. I got to model different fashion looks and shoot both in the studio and on location. I%u2019m also a brand ambassador for many different brands%u2014you can check them out on my Instagram, @SkylerKingstonElias. WHAT%u2019S ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO ASPIRING MODELS WHO WANT TO FOLLOW IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS?There%u2019s a lot of rejection in the modeling industry%u2014you can%u2019t take it personally. You have to keep trying, keep growing, keep learning, and keep moving forward. If an agency doesn%u2019t accept you now, re-submit in six months. What they%u2019re looking for is always changing.