Page 42 - Demo
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42 MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 71MOSTMAGAZINEMOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 71 YOU AND YOUR WIFE, MARKETA, LAUNCHED MAYA DAVID AFTER A PERSONAL LOSS. HOW DID THAT JOURNEY UNFOLD?After our home was burglarized, we felt a deep sense of loss. Jewelry isn%u2019t just metal and stones%u2014it%u2019s memory, meaning, and something deeply personal. That%u2019s what inspired us to start Maya David. We wanted to create jewelry that tells a story and holds sentimental value. Every time I see someone wearing one of our pieces, it%u2019s a reminder that we turned something painful into something beautiful. JEWELRY DESIGN AND ACTING ARE VERY DIFFERENT WORLDS. HOW DO YOU BALANCE BOTH?They%u2019re different, but both are creative. One is storytelling through characters, the other is storytelling through design. I love acting and designing jewelry, and I make time for both because I%u2019m passionate about both. I%u2019ll work all day on SWAT, then come home and work on new designs or handle the business side of Maya David. It%u2019s definitely a grind, but I wouldn%u2019t have it any other way. YOU%u2019RE BIG ON GIVING BACK, ESPECIALLY WITH ONE TREE PLANTED. WHY IS ENVIRONMENTAL WORK IMPORTANT TO YOU?We all have a responsibility to take care of this planet. Partnering with One Tree Planted was a no-brainer%u2014every Maya David purchase helps plant trees. It%u2019s a simple way to give back, and it aligns with our belief that small actions, over time, make a big impact. YOU%u2019RE ALSO DEEP INTO CORNHOLE. WHAT MADE YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH THE GAME?Oh man, my cornhole journey with Shemar is a whole other interview! But to keep it short, it%u2019s a mix of skill, strategy, and fun. You can play casually, or you can get super competitive. I love that it brings people together%u2014whether it%u2019s at a backyard BBQ or a pro tournament. And now, with Airmail City, we%u2019re creating a whole culture around it.