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                           || FASHIO N MAG A ZINE || 87Photographed by Simon Soongtechnicalchicken.smugmug.comarla Weaver never imagined herself a model%u2026 Growing up on two hundred acres of beautiful farmland in the Midwest, she was a tomboy, roaming the outdoors, riding horses, and caring for the many other animals on the farm. She loved the beauty of nature and nurturing the animals and the land she grew up on. The daughter of a farmer, she is no stranger to hard work and this is a character trait that has served her well in a career that requires dedication and a resiliency. Coming from a very strict religious background that rigidly stresses conformity, she always felt different. Thanks to her close relationship with supportive and loving parents, she never gave up on her dreams....dreams of exploring the world and making a difference. At 16 she left the conservative religion she was raised in and as sign of her decision and independence, she cut her symbolically long hair and struck out on her Photographed by Simon Soong technicalchicken.smugmug.comStyled by Alyssa Blanco alyssablanco.comHair by Sandra Carr sandracarr.netMakeup by Paola Carman jilllovesmakeup.comModeled by Marla Weaver Agency: Elite Model Management Miami/NYCLocation: Villa Vecchia, Miami FL
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