Page 133 - Demo
P. 133
It was one of those cats, Spencer, Katrina%u2019s husband%u2019s 25 pound white cat who first captured her interest in the animal, and thus her advocacy of the charity, Kitt Crusaders. She says that she and Keith started taking care of the alley cats near the house and even took in two of their own from a kill shelter. It was because of one of the alley cats that she ended up initially getting involved with the charity. %u201cI noticed over time that he was on a steady decline but didn%u2019t know what to do because he was a feral cat and also we didn%u2019t have the money at the time for the surgeries he would need. Kitt Crusaders found out about it and offered to cover the cost of his medical expenses and asked for nothing in return. Since that display of charity and kindness it has been my mission to find a way to help keep them funded so they can do the same for other animals in need and also to say thank you.%u201dby Brandin Photography