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                           || FASHIO N MAG A ZINE || 123the story of Kae-Kazim%u2019s favorite hero, Kwame Nkrumah, the Ghanaian nationalist leader who led the Gold Coast to independence from British rule. e acknowledges that part of the problem with movies about Africans and African Americans is that they can be very %u2018topic%u2019 heavy. The history of slavery, suppression, discrimination, humiliation, etc., so the challenge there is to continue to tell those stories and at the same time keep the public involved and entertained. %u201cI mean if you look at the stories told about the Holocaust, they are told in fascinating ways and yet the underlying horror of that period resonates. So I think the question is for us looking to tell the stories from a different perspective...because the narrative tends to be that in Hollywood if you are telling a black story you must tell the story of our people who are enslaved and depressed...and it tends to have the white savior as well.%u201d %u201cThose stories are not told from our perspective and I think if we were to tell those stories from our point of view there would be a different angle on them. As I said if you look at the stories of the Holocaust and what happened to the Jewish population during that period, they tell an array of interesting and fascinating stories. Their stories are told with very different dynamics, from the survivors point of view, but all deal with the horror of what those people had gone through at that particular period in a very interesting and different way. Another great movie is The Pianist and a whole array of other movies, such as Schindler%u2019s list, Boy in the Striped Pajamas, >>>>>
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