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How do you balance the demands of training, competing, and maintaining a personal life?After doing this for 11-12 years, I%u2019ve realized the importance of taking a mental break from bodybuilding after 4-5 months of preparation. During the offseason, I still follow a plan about 80% of the time and treat myself when I feel like it. I travel, and if I skip a workout, I don%u2019t beat myself up over it. But I never skip my morning cardio, even if it%u2019s just a 20-30 minute walk before breakfast. It helps set the tone for the day.What advice would you give to aspiring Bikini Olympia competitors who are just starting out?I always tell them to figure out early on if they want to do this for fun or take it seriously. It%u2019s important to know that from the start. Also, do your own research, and choose what works best for you mentally, physically, and spiritually. When picking a coach, find someone who aligns with your beliefs. If you have any trust issues with your coach, it will be hard to give 100%, and you%u2019ll end up confused by conflicting protocols.How do you stay motivated and focused in the face of intense competition and personal challenges?I love the stage, and performing in front of a huge crowd. To do that well, I need symmetry and great conditioning, which means putting in 100% effort, even when I%u2019m not motivated. No one is always motivated, but with discipline, consistency, and persistence, you can achieve anything. My biggest fear is being backstage, pumping up, and seeing all these beautiful women who clearly put in 100% effort, and thinking, %u201cI wish I%u2019d done my cardio, or dieted harder.%u201d That fear drives me%u2014it%u2019s my motivation.You can connect with Maureen Blanquisco:%u2022 Website: Facebook: /maureenblanquisco%u2022 Instagram: TikTok: @maureenblanquiscoInterviewExclusiveMAUREEN BLANQUISCOPhotography by GEORGE KONTAXISII was always on the looko u t f o r n e w s p o r t s . O n e d ay, I s t u m b l e d u p o n a B i k i n i O ly m p i a v i d e o o n Y o u T u b e , a n d t h e r e s t i s h i s t o ry.MOST MAGAZINE - ISSUE 58 25