Page 81 - Demo
P. 81 || FASHIO N MAG A ZINE || 81>>>orn Jason Taylor, 35 year old Shelby County, MI native Jax seems to be the name on the tip of everyone%u2019s tongue these days. After all, the incredibly handsome, 6%u20190 tall star has certainly given us enough reasons to take notice. Growing up in what he refers to as a %u201cSuburban, %u2018Leave it to Beaver%u2019 type neighborhood%u201d was never really his thing, and he was ready to leave the first chance he got. Since then he%u2019s experienced living in 3 of the busiest and exciting cities in the country: Miami, LA & New York; Though one in particular seemed to win him over. %u201cI loved living in all three places,%u201d he says. %u201cI look at it like this, if modeling and walking runway shows is your thing, then New York is the best place for that; However, LA stole my heart. As I always say, LA is where models/actors come to die.%u201d However, before becoming the full-blown dream chaser he is today, he did start down more traditional routes as a sports player and serving time in the military, to which he attributes his well-groomed appearance and time management skills. %u201cI played hockey my entire life and even received a few scholarships to play in college, so that was an option, but I knew it wasn%u2019t the right move. After the Navy I moved back to By: Rachel Alexandra Greiner