Page 86 - Demo
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                                     86 || FASHION MAGAZINE || NOV - DEC 2017I n t e r nat i o nal ly r e n own e d Ph oto g r aph e rALFREDOOMANAPADRONAJG Filmproductionswww.Ajgfilmproductions.nlInstagram: @ajgfilmproductionsrimming with an insatiable thirst for making art and fashion, Venezuelan-born fashion and celebrity photographer Alfredo Omana Padron has a belief in himself that brings his visions to life. His passion spills over into all of his work, resulting in images that are extremely creative and experimental. Owner of %u201cAJG Film Productions,%u201d he started out in film and branched into photography, and now works for top companies all over the world, shooting commercials and images and is paving the way for his own imaginative concepts. %u201cThe important thing for me is to let a woman experience how much passion you can feel from one camera.%u201d With his self-proclaimed muse and motivation he travels around the world, literally living his dream. He tells MOST readers that, %u201cIt%u2019s so important to me to show to people that if everything is wrong in your life, you can still overcome and make your desires and goals happen.%u201d
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