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88 || FITNESS MAGAZINE || JANUARY 2016 photography as well. I think we do so much fitness because we are better known in that genre, but I would hate to limit myself. I love the opportunity to be creative and step outside my normal boundaries!MFM: Are you into fitness yourself?HG: I am really into sports more so than going to the gym. If I can be on the beach playing volleyball, surfing, hiking, or playing soccer, I feel alive. But I don%u2019t really get excited about seeing how much I can bench press or deadlift. I have great admiration for the people that love the gym as much as I love the outdoors. I feel like as long as you are getting exercise you are doing something good for yourself!MFM: Do you plan your shoots or are they mostly spur of the moment, working with what%u2019s available to you?HG: In a perfect situation, it would be both planned and spur of the moment. I like having an idea of what outfits are available because it helps me choose a general location or gives me ideas of what I might like to do, but having the ability to be inspired by a landscape or moved by a spontaneous thought or idea is part of the excitement! I remember shooting with Paige Hathaway in the desert a couple of years ago, and as we were leaving we drove past a mound in the sand. We stopped to investigate, and it was a rope that had been left and buried in the sand by the wind. We uncoiled the rope and did one more series of shots using the rope as wardrobe and that ended up being used as a cover shot!MFM: What inspires you and brings creativity to your projects?HG: Energy and attitude inspire me. I know that sounds weird, but if a model walks in with this amazing happy energy and willingness to try new ideas to get different shots, then I feel inspired as well! Energy is infectious, and I always try to have a good fun energy and appreciate when the model also has a similar attitude! I have always felt that two people%u2019s energies coming together creates better results than one person%u2019s solo ideas.MFM: You have a lot of images with our recent October cover stars Michelle Lewin and her husband/trainer Jimmy Lewin. Do you shoot a lot with her? What makes shooting celebrities such as her so special?HG: Michelle and Jimmy are both amazing people. They are humble and extremely hard working. Even with all the success that Michelle has had, she enjoys meeting people that are inspired by her. I enjoy working with her as much now as I did the first time we shot together three years ago. It is a blessing when someone has success in whatever field they are in and continue to be humble and grateful! Michelle and Jimmy exemplify that, and so every shoot is fun and we play around and none of us take each other too seriously because this could all be gone tomorrow. Michelle & Jimmy Lewin