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                           || FITNESS MAG A ZINE || 53so much fun to get involved in the character and roles! My dream character would be like a Lara Croft/Hunger Games type roles. Training, doing stunts, and acting all in one-I%u2019m ready!MFF: When it comes to your day to day schedule, how much time do you set aside for personal fitness training?PJN: I try to set aside 2 hours. Obviously sometimes this is hard to make happen depending on what pops up but I try to make it happen.MFF: When you go grocery shopping, what are your top priorities when it comes to food item selection?PJN: Well I am very fortunate that I work with a company called Flex Pro Meals that ships my meals once a week. They come all proportioned, weighed out, and ready to heat up! So when I go to the grocery store it%u2019s usually just for coffee, egg whites, and dog food for my puppies!MFF: Have you ever underestimated your own capabilities before?PJN: If you did, how did you surprise yourself when you came through the other side? I definitely have! Never did I think I%u2019d be here! I think at the Flex at Olympia last year when I got my stage pictures back i thought, %u201cHoly crap, I looked awesome!%u201d Lol may sound narcissistic but when you put it all the work for that long its nice to see it pay off!MFF: If you could only choose three exercises that you could do, limiting yourself to only those three for one month, what three would you choose?PJN: I would choose squats, pull-ups, and deadlifts. Technically if you kept your core tight and made sure you got a good squeeze at the top of all the exercises it would be a full body workout.
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