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                           || FITNESS MAG A ZINE || 91Clean living can be a difficult undertaking, so we asked Amber to talk about the discipline it takes to maintain. Just like any habit, if you begin to do something enough, it gets easier. Looking back, before she started her fitness journey, she was not a huge vegetable eater. %u201cNow I absolutely LOVE them and honestly crave veggies.%u201d Amber is obsessed with huge salads and color in her diet. You can learn to love the way nutritious food makes you feel and, over time, it becomes routine to make the better choice. %u201cNow I by no means completely live a 100% %u2018clean%u2019 lifestyle.%u201d The biggest piece of her success has been finding more balance between eating %u201cnon-clean%u201d foods in moderation and not depriving herself. %u201cNobody is perfect and nobody should try and be perfect. You can be disciplined while still living your life to the fullest if you find a strategy and method that works for you.%u201dMost people will take one look at Amber and see a beautiful woman who has met her fitness and health goals. We asked the model to speak to those people who are setting goals versus setting a lifestyle. %u201cI strongly believe that setting goals can facilitate change in your life. You should wake up each day with a goal that will allow you to grow as a person.%u201dAs far as fitness, she has definitely had a fair share of success in the industry and is very grateful to have done so in a short period. However, maintaining one%u2019s physique is definitely more of an everyday personal goal than it is a short-term aesthetic goal, like a magazine photo shoot. %u201cI wake up every day and work out because it makes me feel good. I want to be healthy, I want to feel strong, and it is a part of my lifestyle.%u201d She sets small goals for herself, in order to reach the big ones and this helps to keep her focused and motivated. Amber so wisely said, %u201cYou can%u2019t out-exercise poor nutrition.%u201d Understanding that progress is not an overnight event, it all comes down to consistency on those hard days. People tend to think if they don%u2019t see results, nothing is happening, Photo Credit:Wainwright Images>>>
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