Jay Sage – Explosive in Nature

It can be said that Oklahoma based artist Jay Sage is fiery, perhaps even explosive. It’s a strong statement to make, but it’s not the artists personality in question, but his fascinating method of working with smoke, fire and gunpowder explosions. Coming from very humble beginnings, Sage is an artist who knew very early on that art is something that will stay with him for life. It was a refuge, a place to submerge in his life where one could create from inner most feelings of human nature. “Art has always been there; I just never grew out of it. I got a science kit as a gift once and I thought it was cool, but I grew out of that quick. Ironically, what I do today is very chemical!” shares Sage. Being an artist with no formal education on the field allows him to approach creating from a sense of freedom, creating art for art’s sake. By using regular art supplies in a completely different manner, mixing this with unique set of materials, he creates work that encompasses a little darker, more complicated nuances of human condition.

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